From the 16 Personalities Quiz, the results showed I had 'The Campaigner' personality.
According to this quiz, my strengths are;
- curiosity
- being observant
- energetic and enthusiastic
- excellent communicator
- relaxing
- friendliness
I agree with these qualities being my strengths.
My weaknesses are;
- poor practical skills
- difficulty focusing
- over thinking
- stress easily
- highly emotional
- independent to a fault
I disagree with most of these qualities as I know I don't stress easily nor do I overthink things. I also do not get highly emotional and though I may lose focus sometimes, I am able to regain it easily.
My strengths gathered from this quiz would make me a good worker especially as they align with job positions in marketing and advertising/ communications and media.
Some great results here Maddy. You just need a little sentence linking the results to your career choices. Do they align or where there some careers you hadn't considered? Miss Chapman