Friday, 8 July 2016

THURSDAY {23.06.16}

In today's 'Careers Week' blog entry, we have been asked to write about our chosen occupation and our pathway to get there.
My two chosen occupations are; Marketing Officer or Advertising Professional
These two occupations interest me as they are in the business industry but they also have a creative aspect to them. I would love a career that allows me to use my creativity everyday and i think I can find this in both these jobs. 
Both occupations are part of an industry that will be impacted positively by the trends of the working world. There will be a growth in this industry and more job opportunities will become available. 
To be able to do either of these occupations, I would be required to do a bachelor of media and communication at university. I came across this course by looking in the QTAC brochure. Similar courses including a bachelor of communication and bachelor of media are offered at the Australian Catholic University and James Cook University but QUT is the only university that advertises a course that includes both communication and  media. 
There is no set OP required to get into the course and English S/4 is the only pre-requisite required so to prepare myself for uni it would be wise to undertake this subject which I will be.  

WEDNESDAY {22.06.16}

Today in 'Careers Week' we all made a brainstorm map featuring our career and personal goals for the future, an image of my map can be seen below.

My brainstorm map features my career, educational, personal, interests and health goals that I wish to achieve throughout my life. I will achieve these goals by continuing with high school and making the appropriate choices for myself through life. 

Monday, 20 June 2016

TUESDAY {21.06.16}

Today in ‘Careers Week’ we learnt about trends of the future. One of the facts that stood out for me was the top three industries that would have grown rapidly by 2025, they were;
  1.          Health Care and Social Assistance
  2.          Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
  3.          Education and Training

I was also interested to learn of the top tertiary qualified jobs of 2025, the top ten are listed here;
  •         Registered Nurses
  •           Advertising and Sales Managers
  •           Software and Applications Programmers
  •           Accountants
  •           CEO and Managing Directors
  •           Secondary School Teachers
  •          Primary School Teachers
  •          Private Tutors and Teachers
  •          Contract Program and Project Administrators
  •       General Managers

I am interested in working in advertising so I was intrigued to see it listed here.

Knowing about the trends in the world of work is important when exploring possible career choices as it may influence your decision in a career or job. It is also important to know what the largest industries as you may wish to work for them or steer away from them. With large industries comes more jobs opportunities and bigger opportunities to expand.  

MONDAY {20.06.16}

Today in the first day of 'Careers Week', we were asked to do some quizzes to discover the characteristics of ourselves along with our strengths and weaknesses. 
The results of the three quizzes I did can be found in the posts below :)))

Sunday, 19 June 2016

QUIZ 1: VIA Character Strengths

The VIA Character Strengths quiz results 
informed me of my top attributes by placing 
the selected 24 qualities in order of strength.
My top 10 qualities can seen in the images on the right. 

I agree with all these qualities but was surprised to see creativity knocked to second place by bravery as I always saw creativity as my strongest quality. 
I am also surprised that teamwork wasn't in my top ten and though I have gratitude I wouldn't have thought it would be so far up.  
In regards to career choices, I'm glad to see creativity on my list as I want to work in marketing and advertising which requires creative thinking. Also leadership is a good skill to have in this field as I hope to be a marketing officer in charge of a team one day. 

This quiz was fun and it's interesting to see
the order of qualities so I would recommend the VIA quiz to students. 

QUIZ 2: The Skills Road Quiz

The Skills Road Quiz told me the type of worker I am, my optimism level and whether I'm a introvert or extrovert. It was interesting doing this quiz as I had previously done this quiz around the same time last year and was happy to know that my results had not changed by much.

I am a flexor worker which means I am open minded and willing to be flexible and adaptable. I am also easy to get along with and a good team player. I agree with these qualities and think they are very true to who I am. 

It was interesting that I was dubbed an introvert as introverts prefer to work alone whereas just above it stated that I liked to work in groups. I agree with sometimes being an introvert and it is also interesting to note that my extrovert and introvert levels were not that far apart.   

I was not surprised to discover that I was a 'glass full' type of person as I am very optimistic and like to have a positive outlook on life. 

I think this quiz's results are accurate and I would recommend this website to anyone. 

QUIZ 3: The 16 Personalities Quiz

From the 16 Personalities Quiz, the results showed I had 'The Campaigner' personality. 

According to this quiz, my strengths are;
- curiosity
- being observant
- energetic and enthusiastic
- excellent communicator
- relaxing
- friendliness
I agree with these qualities being my strengths.

My weaknesses are;
- poor practical skills
- difficulty focusing
- over thinking
- stress easily
- highly emotional
- independent to a fault
I disagree with most of these qualities as I know I don't stress easily nor do I overthink things. I also do not get highly emotional and though I may lose focus sometimes, I am able to regain it easily. 

My strengths gathered from this quiz would make me a good worker especially as they align with job positions in marketing and advertising/ communications and media.